Page 7 - NLN Oct18
P. 7

Heritage Mango Trees Saved

         The Mango Hill Progress Association has achieved an interim victory in
         seeking to limit the loss of Mango trees along Anzac Ave with a decision
         by the Qld Department of State Development, to not approve the original
         location of an access road onto Anzac Ave.  This location was identified by
         BGM in DA/33328/2016 (Development application) for an 80 house
         block development.
         As recommended by the Progress Association, SARA (Qld State Assessment
         and Referral Agency) which coordinates all responses from the various State
         Government Departments on proposed local developments has stated in its
         letter of 14th September:
          This location is the current “turn around lane” entry into Nuway
         Landscape yard.
         Whilst any further incursion onto Anzac Ave is not ideal, the Progress
         Association accepts:
         • There must be an access road onto Anzac Ave and this is the best location.
         • Some further trees may be lost.
         However, as was our recommendation back in 1996 with the duplication of
         Anzac Ave and the formation of the current “U-turn facility” at this location,
         the Association will advocate strongly for “relocation” of as many trees as
         possible to the western side of Anzac Ave.  (in 1996, 6 trees were successfully
         transplanted and continue to grow on western side of Anzac Ave).
         Current Situation:
         Moreton Bay Regional Council has approved a 6-month deferment in the DA
         application process from BGM effective to 28th February 2019, after which
         further consideration of the their DA will be considered.
         The Mango Hill Progress Association is pleased with the terrific response
         from the community at large and thanks all local Media outlets, over 6900
         individuals who signed petitions and our State Members for their support.                    Written by
         “The Price of Peace is Eternal Vigilance”.  It is up to everyone in the community      Laurence Christie
         to keep an eye on what goes on in their Community.                                     President - MHPA


                                                                                  from 11am

                                                                      Chambord Cocktail Garden

                                                                                  L I V E   M U S I C
                                                                          P R I Z E S   F O R   B E S T   D R E S S E D

                                                                     2 COUR SE LUNCH          A LA CAR TE

                                                                      M a i n   &   D e ss e r t  O r d e r   o f f
                                                                                               m a i n   m e n u
                                                                             Bookings essential - 3482 1500
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