Page 5 - NLN April 19
P. 5

Update on Anzac Avenue Mango Trees                    Brendan Loses his Locks for a Good Cause
                 Mango Trees Saved for Now!                             In Australia someone receives the news that they
                 The Mango Hill Progress Association has been           have a blood cancer every forty-one minutes. That
                 advised that as of 28 February, the Developers for     is thirty-five people a day. 12,775 on average a year.
                 BMG have requested a twelve month extension of         Blood  cancer will  touch all  of us  at some  stage,
       their Development Application No. DA/33328/2016/V3RL along  whether through friends, family or ourselves. Raising money to
       Anzac Avenue to 28/02/2020.                           find research and to support families facing it is important.
       With the Queensland Government insisting that any connection  “If all it takes to raise money to help out those in my community
       to Anzac Avenue for this development, be opposite the existing  going through this, is to look a little bit silly with a bald head, it is
       entry into the Mango Hill Landscape  Yard, there is every  a very small price to pay”, Brendan Waite said.
       confidence that our Promenade of Mango Trees will remain.  Currently, Brendan has raised just over $1,350. Donations are
       Well done to ALL in the Local Community and well beyond for  still open:
       your support.                               

       April 2019                                                                                               5
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